Municipal Wastewater Lagoon Solutions, North America
Biological, Aeration, Chemical, Filtration, Services
Our solutions achieve regulatory compliance for biological oxygen demand (BOD), ammonia (NH3), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P) in warm or cold climates for rural communities, landfills, and industrial clients.
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Solutions for Mechanical Plants, Global
Biological, Aeration, Chemical, Filtration, Services
We have the complex biological and chemical expertise that municipal wastewater treatment and resource recovery plants need to meet current and future regulations. Our companies specialize in energy-efficient biological nutrient removal (BNR), reuse, stormwater treatment, inflow and infiltrate, as well as intensification equipment and chemicals.
Leading UK wastewater design and process equipment contractor specializing in capital, hire, and turnkey applications
Global wastewater solutions provider with advanced aeration design, equipment, and aftermarket services since 1975
Leaders in delivering cost-effective, reliable supplemental carbon programs for BNR treatment applications, North America, UK
Low operational cost systems for wastewater treatment around the globe: lamella packs and DAF units for solids/oil separation (primary), rotating biological contactors for oxidation (secondary), pile cloth filters for depth filtration (tertiary)
Global biological process designs such as rotating biological contactors (RBC), sequencing batch reactor (SBR), membrane bioreactor (MBR), dissolved air flotation (DAF) conversions, and sludge heat exchangers
Intensification for BNR, CA Title 22 and Made in USA tertiary filtration capabilities in the Americas
Municipal Drinking Water Plants Solutions, North America
Experts in designing and controlling packaged drinking water plants where operational staff is limited or remote.
Supply/install gravity and pressure filters, clarifiers, DAF, floc/sed skids, ion exchange (IX), membranes (reverse osmosis, UF, NF, MF), granular activated carbon (GAC), ultraviolet sterilizers (UV), specializing in package drinking water plants
Tertiary pile cloth filters for pretreatment to municipal drinking water plants
Industrial Process Water Treatment Solutions, Global
Logistically challenging process water treatment for semiconductor, power generation, mining, or chemical manufacturing worldwide.
Industrial Wastewater Treatment Solutions, Global
Multiple industries generate difficult-to-treat wastewater and need 100% operational stability from companies that have committed sustainability policies. Tap into 2,700+ years of combined expertise to meet the challenges of dairy, protein processing, breweries and distillation, mining, landfills, and airports.